Hire Candidates Worldwide
Find high quality talent from around the globe with CIFA's active job seekers. Our pool includes a diverse range of graduates and experienced professionals who are committed to advancing their careers. Take your pick from a selection of highly qualified candidates and find the perfect fit for your organisation.

Video Resumes
Experience a fresh approach to recruiting with CIFA's video resume.
This innovative tool allows you to get a personalised, professional introduction to the candidate you are considering for an interview.
By bringing the candidate's CV to life through video, you can get a better sense of their personality and qualifications.
Fast Selection Process
Make your selection process quick and efficient with CIFA's streamlined platform. Simply filter through candidates based on your requirements and choose from the returned results, which include a profile picture, video resume, desired career path, and digital CV. With this fast and straightforward process, you can easily find the best fit for your company.

Save Your Company Money
Reduce your hiring costs by leveraging CIFA's dynamic platform. Instead of using costly job boards, you can access a pool of highly skilled candidates through our platform and contact them directly. By filtering through candidates' digital CVs and video resumes, you can easily identify the most qualified and suitable candidates, saving you money and time in the process.

Hire Talented Professionals
Enhance your workforce by hiring talented job seekers who are currently enrolled in the CIFA program. These individuals are dedicated to improving their professional skills and seeking employment in the finance industry. Choose from a pool of motivated graduates and experienced professionals to find the perfect fit for your organisation.
Streamline Your
Hiring Process
Streamline your recruitment process and save valuable time and resources with CIFA's video resumes.